This Boulder Opal specimen is made from Organic Pipe Opal.

It has vanilla and coffee colors through the light tan sandstone.

Pipe opal is formed by tubes of opal occurring in sandstone rather than ironstone boulders.

It formed millions of years ago when organic matter, such as twigs and leaves, disintegrated leaving cavity’s that the liquid opal filled.

This natural formation allows us to create gorgeous unique organic opal pieces.

This  opal specimen has a highly polished surface with heaps of natural character .

Boulder Pipe Opal is a beautiful and unique opal that has a huge variety of color not found in any other gemstone.

It is a unique form of opal because it is found as a mixture of precious opal and sandstone together.

The Boulder Pipe Opal specimen was mined in the Winton area and has been expertly hand shaped and polished by us to highlight the natural beauty of the opal.

This is an excellent showpiece for any gemmologist, collector or opal enthusiast.

The polished Boulder Pipe Opal specimen comes packaged in a gift box.

Opal Specimen Dimensions

The polished Boulder Pipe Opal specimen measures 27mm by 37mm wide at the base.

The specimen stands 30 mm tall .